Mike successfully defended his PhD earlier this month.

Mike started as a Research Associate with us and quickly became an indispensable ‘family’ member of the PEPP team at Victoria Hospital, London, ON. He led the recruitment efforts for our CIHR supported TOPSY study for over 5 years while completing his PhD. He recruited more than 150 individual participants for this study.

Given this busy recruitment, to his great lament, during this time he was only able to co-author 14 papers and publish 3 first-author papers!

His thesis spans multiple levels of analysis to understand functional outcomes in psychosis. Put simply, this work connects molecules to mankind. You can read it in full here, including an opening quote from Roosevelt’s Labor Day address in 1907! 

Being a man with firm roots in London, ON, Mike continues to work on clinical research in the city.

We were lucky to have Jonathan & Joshua Memorial Fund, Chrysalis Canada Foundation and Parkwood Mental Health Studentships to have continuously supported Mike during his work.